School Fees

Attendance Dues, as at 2021, will be $136.25 per term or $545 a school year. Payments are to be made to the Archdiocese of Wellington and automatic payment is encouraged. This fee is a condition of enrolment and attendance at the school. If you are unable to pay this you should contact your Parish Priest or Principal to discuss the possibility of a rebate.


School Donations


Parent Voluntary Donation Towards School Activities


Voluntary Donation Fillable Form / Receipt


The school is asking parents of students at St Joseph’s School to contribute where possible towards school activities. These donations assist towards running programmes for our students in addition to the standard curriculum subjects and enable us to ensure that your children get the opportunities to expand their horizons and experiences in a number of different ways.

This year we intend using a portion of donations to support a new initiative that will support students experiencing dyslexia with a specifically employed teacher aide, who will implement programmes to help them. Another portion will be used to support ICT requirements across the school.

While it is true that St Joseph’s has excellent facilities and opportunities for our students in many areas, finding sufficient funding each year to cover these activities is becoming increasingly difficult, particularly as roll numbers decrease and operating costs increase. When these donations were sought in early 2011 the response from parents was less positive than had been hoped. With this in mind any assistance you can offer us by way of this donation would be sincerely appreciated.

The Board has kept the donation amount the same for a number of years and in the current economic environment we understand that family finances are under pressure. Your financial support is greatly appreciated. Your donation goes a long way to meet our day-to-day running costs. A family donation of $50 equates to just over 25c per school day. Please be generous if you can. 

Any assistance by way of a voluntary donation would be sincerely appreciated. Thank you.

BoT Chair - Melissa Munro


Stationery Donations

We are a fortunate school, with a very supportive whānau and community. However, for some of us, providing everything our children need in order to fully participate in school life can be a challenge. In particular we are conscious that not all children have access to the stationery or uniform requirements of St Joseph’s. This can make life a little harder for those children, and we all know they deserve every chance to feel fully part of our community.

To help meet this need the Board and PTA have established a bank account into which donations can be made that will directly assist those members of our school community that need a little support with these items.

If you feel you could pay for an extra set of stationery, $20 is all it takes. If you’d like to make sure children are able to participate in PE without feeling self conscious about not having the correct uniform, it only takes $30. If you deposit $5, it means more children will be able to receive pencils and exercise books. The donation amount is up to you, and all contributions will be greatly appreciated and appropriately used to improve the lives and education of those within our community. Donating now means families who would spend the summer worrying about how to fund these items won’t have to.

We encourage you to join us as we work together to support the values that are at the core of our school – caring for others.


Any donations can be made directly into the following bank account:

St Joseph’s School Nelson
Caring for our St Josephs Community Fund


Thank You for Your Support